Sehreen Noor Ali is a VC-backed founder who has grown startups including her own, by leveraging her expertise in market development.

She teaches others to do the same, especially founders who are “atypical”, i.e. anyone who doesn’t see themselves in the boring, standard online business advice that assumes you’re young and single and have a flush bank account, ample time, and a strong network.

Leveraging her work a U.S. diplomat, she has helped VC-backed companies and legacy institutions manage and earn over $20M through sales, strategic deals, and talent operations. She has been called a “Triple Threat” by a former boss for her sharp sales skills, high organizational EQ, and deep understanding of applied technology. She is also the founder of EdTechWomxn, which was recognized by SXSWedu with their first-ever Change Maker Award in 2015. She was also personally recognized by President Obama for managing the team that created and deployed the U.S.’ first set of digital diplomacy products in Farsi.

Sehreen ran the U.S. Department of State's Fund for Innovation, incubating and driving innovation practices to 100+ U.S. embassies and implementing education programs across the Middle East. She is as comfortable with the Prime Minister of Nepal as she is with a community organizer in rural U.S. Sehreen has formally studied 5 languages, has worked in 7 countries and holds an B.A. from Brown University, a Masters of Education from Harvard University, and did a graduate fellowship at the Institute of Ismaili Studies, London.